The  Foodbank Project


There are children in the world so hungry that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.

Hunger is a problem that most often affects low-income families because poverty means people often go without basic needs such as food, clothing, and adequate shelter.

For a child to have a chance at a bright future, they need to eat healthy meals every day. When they’re hungry, children are more likely to be hospitalised and face a higher risk of health conditions because they have weakened immune systems. A brain starved of vital nutrients can’t concentrate, setting hungry kids up for failure in school.

Even if they consume adequate food, children may not receive enough of the vitamins and minerals they need to grow up healthy and are therefore malnourished. Without enough food or proper nutrition, kids face a variety of setbacks that can derail their path out of poverty.

Every year, 3.1 million children (8,500 children per day) die from poor nutrition. Today, there are 815 million people in the world who do not have enough to eat. Approximately 28% of all children in developing countries are considered underweight or have grown stunted due to malnutrition. Worldwide, malnutrition contributes to almost half of the deaths of children under 5, claiming the lives of over 3 million children per year.

V Save a Life Foundation has come forward with 'The Foodbank Project' to contribute the best effort for children.